BEcome a Sponsor:
The Benedictine Service Corps

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What is a Benedictine Service Corps Sponsor?

A Benedictine Service Corps Sponsor is someone who supports the members of the Benedictine Service Corps prayerfully and financially. Someone who desires to support the spiritual growth and Christian formation of young adults. And someone who wants to provide young people with the opportunity to serve our community in meaningful ways.

How can I offer prayerful support?

All are welcome and invited to pray with us at any of the prayer hours at Incarnation Monastery, as well as at special events and prayer opportunities. As Sponsors, we would love to see you here and pray with you as part of our community. We ask that you keep Service Corps interns in your prayers as you support them throughout the year.


How will my financial support be used?

100% of the contributions made by Benedictine Service Corps Sponsors will be used to support the members of the Service Corps: covering necessary living expenses (food, fuel, etc.) for the interns. Sponsors give according to their discretion, assisting with part or all of this cost. Each intern is provided $200 per month: $2,000 per person over their ten-month commitment.

How do I become a Sponsor?

If you are interested in becoming a Benedictine Service Corps Sponsor, you may give online through our DONATE page (type “Benedictine Service Corps” in the note), or mail a check (memo line "Benedictine Service Corps") to:

Incarnation Monastery
Attention: Br. James Dowd
3020 Belvedere Blvd.
Omaha, NE 68111